понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

Mesomorph Diet & Weight Loss

Mesomorph Diet & Weight Loss
Mesomorph Diet & Weight Loss

A mesomorph is someone with a naturally athletic physique. A typical mesomorph is strong and muscular and finds it easier to gain muscle mass than a slim ectomorph but is also more prone to fat gain. Therefore, a weight-loss diet for a mesomorph needs to carefully balance calories and macronutrients to ensure fat loss while retaining muscle mass.

Figuring Out Your Calories

To lose weight, you must eat less than you expend, which will mean cutting calories. According to bodybuilder and nutritionist Dr. Layne Norton, mesomorphs need more calories than endomorphs -- who generally carry more fat -- but less than ectomorphs, who have faster metabolisms and lose weight easier. Multiply your body weight in pounds by 15 to find how many calories you need to maintain weight. To lose weight, you'll need to eat less than this.

Standard Mesomorph Diet

Macronutrients are protein, carbohydrate and fat, and all three are needed for a balanced weight-loss diet. According to sports nutritionist Dr. John Berardi, mesomorphs need a balanced macronutrient split of around 30 percent protein, 40 percent carbohydrate and 30 percent fat. To work out how much of each macronutrient you need, determine what 40 percent and 30 percent of your total calorie intake is. Protein and carbohydrate both contain 4 calories per gram, so divide your total calories from protein by 4 to see how many grams you need per day, then do the same for carbs. Fat has 9 calories per gram, so divide your total calorie intake from fat by 9 to work out your fat grams per day.

Mesomorph Diet for Weight Loss

While the 30 percent protein, 40 percent carb, 30 perfect fat recommendation is a fairly standard mesomorphic guideline, it may require some tweaking for weight loss. Nutritional consultant Ben Cullen suggests changing your macronutrient split slightly when trying to lose fat and opting instead for 30 percent carbs, 30 percent fat and 40 percent protein.

Following the designated macronutrient split, each of your meals should be composed of just under one-third carbs, just under one-third fat and just over one-third protein. Breakfast could be scrambled eggs with smoked salmon to take care of your protein and fat, with whole-grain toast or a bagel for your carbs. Lunch could be a whole-wheat wrap or pita with lean turkey or ham, mixed salad and a serving of almond butter or olives, with a dinner of an extra lean sirloin steak or a cod fillet for protein; brown rice with asparagus, mushrooms and peppers for your carbs; and a little olive oil for the fat. Any snacks need to follow the same guidelines but with smaller quantities. Cottage cheese with strawberries and chopped almonds or a protein shake with a piece of fruit and a slice of cheddar are good options.

Considerations, Tracking and Adjusting

Few people fit perfectly into the mesomorph category, and you're more likely to be a mixture of two or three types. Therefore, use your body type as a guideline only, advises Cullen. As you progress, drop weight and get leaner, the number of calories you burn daily drops, meaning your rate of weight loss can start to slow, so you may need to drop your calories a little more. Track your food closely using information printed on food labels.

LiveStrong Calorie Tracker

Original article and pictures take http://www.livestrong.com/article/507926-mesomorph-diet-weight-loss/ site

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