понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

Michael Counihan NYPD ���� @nodonutshere

Michael Counihan NYPD ���� @nodonutshere

"I don’t believe in bodybuilders using steroids. If a man doesn’t have enough male hormones in his system to create, a nice hard, muscular body, he should take up ping pong.” - Steve Reeves #foodforthought #truth #drugfree #1stphorm #abs #abcheck #aesthetics #awesome #realtalk #legionofboom #policefitness #thinblueline #trainforlife #fitnessmotivation #fitnessmotivation #fit #flex #fitcops #fitness #FuckTheBottomIBelongAtTheTop #dowork #DoItAnyway #dedication #motivation #workout #nypdstrong #neversettle #nextlevelshit

DONT SKIP LEG DAY! Pause reps to get the squat up!<br />#legionofboom #1stphorm #legday #squats #dowork #workhardstayhumble #motivation #goals #health #iam1stphorm #noexcuses #neversettle #nextlevelshit #nypdstrong #nyc #nodonutshere #fitcops #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #trainforlife #thinblueline #policefitness #firstresponder #strength #awesome

Today is day one at work, my Monday... Your Friday... -5am fasted cardio -DONE -Meals prepped - @1stphorm shake on board -Off to work all day then training legs tonight, and do it all again tomorrow.  Your excuse is invalid.... Get to work.  #noexcuses #legionofboom #policelivesmatter #neversettle #nextlevelshit #abs #abcheck #nyc #policelivesmatter #phormbuilt #policefitness #thinblueline #dowork #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #trainforlife #motivation #goals #gymmotivation #health

Today is day one at work, my Monday... Your Friday... -5am fasted cardio -DONE -Meals prepped - @1stphorm shake on board -Off to work all day then training legs tonight, and do it all again tomorrow. Your excuse is invalid.... Get to work. #noexcuses #legionofboom #policelivesmatter #neversettle #nextlevelshit #abs #abcheck #nyc #policelivesmatter #phormbuilt #policefitness #thinblueline #dowork #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #trainforlife #motivation #goals #gymmotivation #health

Crunch time... Literally and figuratively.  Get to work! #FuckTheBottomIBelongAtTheTop . #neversettle #thinblueline #fit #fitcops #fitness  #trainforlife #fitnessmotivation #motivate #motivation #inspire #health #goals #aesthetics #awesome #abs #abcheck #shredded #legionofboom #nodonutshere #nextlevelshit #gymmotivation #workout  #flex #physique #bluelivesmatter #policefitness #policelivesmatter #nyc #1stphorm

Crunch time... Literally and figuratively. Get to work! #FuckTheBottomIBelongAtTheTop . #neversettle #thinblueline #fit #fitcops #fitness #trainforlife #fitnessmotivation #motivate #motivation #inspire #health #goals #aesthetics #awesome #abs #abcheck #shredded #legionofboom #nodonutshere #nextlevelshit #gymmotivation #workout #flex #physique #bluelivesmatter #policefitness #policelivesmatter #nyc #1stphorm

Very early on in my career, I had someone tell me

Very early on in my career, I had someone tell me " When you get out there, look around. You'll see guys working out everywhere. Push-ups, dips on playgrounds, pull-ups on street signs. They're training, why aren't you?!" I took that to heart. You're level of fitness is the first tool you have when the shit hits the fan. It can and will determine whether you or some one else lives or dies out there. I've been in situations where if I didn't train the way I do, I wouldn't be here. My level of fitness literally saved my life. That's my #motivation #thinblueline #workhardstayhumble #fitnessmotivation #fitcops #fit #fitness #nyc #phormbuilt #police #policelivesmatter #nyc #legionofboom #nypdstrong #neversettle #nextlevelshit #nodonutshere #shredded #motivate #inspire #goals #gymmotivation #health #bluelivesmatter #bodybuilding #physique #1stphorm #awesome #gymmotivation #workout #trainforlife #fightforyourlife

I had an hour break between shifts today, so I made the best of the time and did some cardio and abs. #mondaymotivation #physique #abs #abcheck #phormbuilt #police #shredded #nypdstrong #nodaysoff #neversettle #nextlevelshit #workoutvideo #workout #workhardstayhumble #dowork #doitanyway #shredded #flex #motivate #workoutmotivation #motivate #inspire #health #goals #FuckTheBottomIBelongAtTheTop #legionofboom #1stphorm #nyc #thinblueline #policefitness #bodsquad #bluelivesmatter @1stphorm @flagnorfail

I had an hour break between shifts today, so I made the best of the time and did some cardio and abs. #mondaymotivation #physique #abs #abcheck #phormbuilt #police #shredded #nypdstrong #nodaysoff #neversettle #nextlevelshit #workoutvideo #workout #workhardstayhumble #dowork #doitanyway #shredded #flex #motivate #workoutmotivation #motivate #inspire #health #goals #FuckTheBottomIBelongAtTheTop #legionofboom #1stphorm #nyc #thinblueline #policefitness #bodsquad #bluelivesmatter @1stphorm @flagnorfail

I woke up not so ready to work this 18 hour day.  On the bright side, my abs are coming back. #thinblueline #abcheck #abs #legionofboom #nodaysoff #nyc #neversettle #nextlevelshit #doitanyway #dowork #fitcops #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #motivation #motivate #flex #nypdstrong #shredded #workhardstayhumble #policefitness #police #gains #physique #phormbuilt #workout #risengrind #tattoo #trainforlife #mondaymotivation

I woke up not so ready to work this 18 hour day. On the bright side, my abs are coming back. #thinblueline #abcheck #abs #legionofboom #nodaysoff #nyc #neversettle #nextlevelshit #doitanyway #dowork #fitcops #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #motivation #motivate #flex #nypdstrong #shredded #workhardstayhumble #policefitness #police #gains #physique #phormbuilt #workout #risengrind #tattoo #trainforlife #mondaymotivation

I work too hard at this shit to get nothing out of it.  #FuckTheBottomIBelongAtTheTop. #neversettle #nodaysoff #sundayfunday #tattoo #fit#fitnessmotivation #motivation #inspire #flex #1stphorm #legionofboom #fitcops #fit #fitness #dowork #goals #health @beastmode_training #police #policefitness #cops #nypdstrong #muscle #gains #flex #nyc #thinblueline #trainforlife #drugfree #bluelivesmatter @ig_fitness_reposts

I work too hard at this shit to get nothing out of it. #FuckTheBottomIBelongAtTheTop . #neversettle #nodaysoff #sundayfunday #tattoo #fit #fitnessmotivation #motivation #inspire #flex #1stphorm #legionofboom #fitcops #fit #fitness #dowork #goals #health @beastmode_training #police #policefitness #cops #nypdstrong #muscle #gains #flex #nyc #thinblueline #trainforlife #drugfree #bluelivesmatter @ig_fitness_reposts

Some days, it's more the just lifting weights... #irontherapy

0430 roll call for a 12 hour work day isn't fun, but it's not an excuse. Didn't break any records tonight, but I dragged my ass to the gym and did what I could. These are the days that put you ahead of the people that go home and lay on the couch. These are the days that could keep you in the fight. These are the days that could keep you alive.  If that doesn't motivate you, nothing will. #DoItAnyway #fitnessmotivation #policemotivation #policefitness #policelivesmater #bluelivesmatter #thinblueline #motivate #motivation #inspire #workout  #DOWORK #fitcops #nyc #nypdstrong #neversettle #nextlevelshit #legionofboom #1stphorm #phormbuilt #physique #fit #fitness #bodybuilding #stfuat #isymfs #health #goals #workoutmotivation #workhardstayhumble

0430 roll call for a 12 hour work day isn't fun, but it's not an excuse. Didn't break any records tonight, but I dragged my ass to the gym and did what I could. These are the days that put you ahead of the people that go home and lay on the couch. These are the days that could keep you in the fight. These are the days that could keep you alive. If that doesn't motivate you, nothing will. #DoItAnyway #fitnessmotivation #policemotivation #policefitness #policelivesmater #bluelivesmatter #thinblueline #motivate #motivation #inspire #workout #DOWORK #fitcops #nyc #nypdstrong #neversettle #nextlevelshit #legionofboom #1stphorm #phormbuilt #physique #fit #fitness #bodybuilding #stfuat #isymfs #health #goals #workoutmotivation #workhardstayhumble

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us." --------------------------------------- #workhardstayhumble #aesthetics #nypdstrong #nyc #thinblueline #policefitness #police #health #gains #goals #gym #inspire #motivate #inspire #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fit #fitness #DOWORK #deadlifts #legionofboom #neversettle #nextlevelshit #phormbuilt #bodybuilding #powerlifting #stfuat #isymfs #1stphorm #DoItAnyway #fitcops

Original article and pictures take http://www.imgrum.org/user/nodonutshere/181710088/1032816617471436059_181710088 site

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