понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

The 101 Best Weight Loss Tips of All Time

The 101 Best Weight Loss Tips of All Time

If you are looking to lose weight—whether it’s 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds, you name it—then you came to the right place. This article will take you through every aspect of weight loss possible, from exercise to diet, motivation, and lifestyle.

Note: This is a super long article (14000+ words). Therefore, wait until you have enough time to dig in. To not miss anything, make sure to bookmark this post and read it later. I have also provided you with links to over 70 scientific studies conducted on the subject at hand. Check the links out for more nerdy stuff.

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The 101 Best Weight Loss Tips of All Time

Before you embark on your weight loss journey, arm yourself with these powerful 101 weight loss strategies. Do your best to incorporate a few of these into your life each week and watch your fitness and health change for the best.

1. Find Your Big Why

Without a “Big Why” for your weight loss resolution, you’ll have no, or little, motivation—especially when you come across roadblocks.

However, if you know your “Big Why,” then you are in a good place. I can guarantee that you will lose weight and keep it off for good once you know your “Big WHY.

If you have big enough of WHY, NOTHING will stop you.

So What’s YOUR WHY?

To uncover it, answer the following questions:

Why do you want to lose weight?

Why do you want to start exercising?

Why do you want to live a healthy lifestyle?

Why? Why? WHY?

Is it because you’re ashamed of your body?

Is it because, and God forbid, losing weight it’s a matter of life or death?

Is it because (Fill In Your Own Reasons)?

After figuring out your big WHY (or WHYs), write it down and keep it somewhere you can see on a daily basis. This will serve as a constant reminder for when the going gets tough.

Diet Tips

2. Eat More Vegetables

I hate to sound like a broken record, but there is no such thing as healthy eating without veggies. These score high in fiber and are low in calories—key ingredients for successful weight loss.

Vegetables are alos choke-full with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and plenty of other valuable ingredients, helping get into the best shape and health of your life.

So, please, do your best to eat as much as of the green stuff as possible.

Some of the best vegetables to add to your eating menu include broccoli, watercress kale, cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, cauliflower, Swiss chard, and Brussels sprouts.

3. Eat Protein on Every Meal

Protein is your friend—whether you are trying to increase muscle mass or lose weight. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who eat protein at each meal lost more weight than those who didn’t have the nutrient at certain meals.

Another study conducted at the University of Missouri found that people who had protein with each meal reported the most weight loss benefits.

Good protein can help keep you feeling fuller for longer and control blood sugar levels—all of which can cut cravings for sugary, high-calorie, high-fat foods. Protein is also critical for muscle recovery and fat burning.

Some of the best sources of lean protein include lean meat, egg whites (animal based), nuts, beans and seafood (plant based). And please limit or avoid processed meats, like ham, sausages, and bacon since these contain a lot of saturated fats and a plethora of chemicals and harmful ingredients.

4. Plan Your Foods

“If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail” this maxim still holds true whether you are the CEO of a 500-Fortune company or just a regular Joe (or Jane) trying to build healthy eating habits.

Planning your meals ahead can help you take the guesswork out of the equation and increase the chances of your success. As a result, spend at least an hour every Saturday or Sunday evening planning your meals thoroughly for the upcoming week. Then, stick to it for the rest of the week.

You can also prepare at least 10 to 12 meals you can put in Tupperware bowls and have them ready for the week ahead, so you won’t have to think about what to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner during the week.

5. Eat More Fiber

Fiber is the carbohydrates found in plant foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, increasing fiber intake by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories can promote weight loss and prevent weight gain.


Fiber, unlike other carbs, does not get easily absorbed by your body, so it will make you feel full for longer. Fiber can also lower cholesterol and may even prevent colon cancer and other health ailments.

Shoot for at least 30 to 40 grams of fiber a day. Some of the best sources of fiber include beans, broccoli, asparagus, oats, Brussels sprouts apples, and flax seeds, to name a few.

6. Cut the Bad Carbs

Not all carbs are created equal. And if you want to lose weight, then eat the good carbs and avoid the bad ones.

Cutting bad carbs might be the best thing you can do right now to slim down. Also known as the simple carbs, bad carbs are digested quickly by the body, leading to blood sugar spikes, cravings, and a host of health troubles.

Classic examples include bread, pasta, bagels, candy, muffins, donuts, French fries, sugary cereals, white rice and any sugary or highly processed food.

On the other hand, the good carbs, also known as complex carbs, take longer to digest and can help you feel full for longer. Some of the best sources include vegetables, fruits, sweet potatoes, beans, brown rice and other whole grain products.

Check this link for over 23 studies on low carb diets.

7. Eat Low GI Foods

The glycemic index was established about 30 years ago, and it’s a scale that ranks foods from 0 to 100 based on the impact they have on blood sugar levels. Also, this list can come in handy for weight loss.

In fact, subjects who followed a low-GI diet reported losing double their fat when compared to the high GI group, according to study.

Many thanks to LeanGainGuide.com for this awesome list.


8. Don’t Fear Fats

Fats get a bad rap in the health community, but if you fear them, then you are doing yourself a great disservice. Fats—the healthy kind—are an integral part of a healthy menu.

Research shows that eating the right kinds of fats can help you lose weight and increase overall health and well-being level.

So, what are the good fats?

Well, they are what’s known as monounsaturated fats, AKA MUFAs. This type of fats increases good HDL cholesterol while reducing bad LDD cholesterol.

The good fats can shield against the buildup of artery plaque, preventing heart disease and other trouble, according to research.

Also, these fats can suppress your appetite, reducing the number of calories you eat in a day while boosting metabolism, according to study.

Some of the best sources of MUFAs include olive oil, coconuts oil, canola oil, avocados, almonds, peanuts and sesame seeds.

Research suggests that two to three tablespoons of olive oil per day are enough to do the trick.

9. Consume Water-Rich Foods

According to a study conducted at the Pennsylvania State University, consuming water-rich foods cut overall calorie consumption as many of these foods are low in calories, but high in fiber.

Here is a list of some of the best water-rich foods:

  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Zucchini
  • Green peppers
  • Celery
  • Cantaloupe
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries
  • Radishes
  • Grapefruits
  • Watermelon
  • Cauliflower

10. Keep a Food Journal

According to a six-month study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, people who kept tabs on their daily eating habits for six days a week reported losing about twice as many pounds as those who didn’t keep written records.

Why does this work?

By monitoring your daily eating habits, you will have a better idea of what goes into your mouth, which can help you better assess your daily eating choices and habits.

As a result, get yourself a diet journal, and start tracking the amount of foods you consume throughout the day—snacks and treats included.

11. Take Pictures of your Food

Another helpful way to keep tabs on your daily eating habits is taking photos of your meals and snacks.

According to research conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, taking pictures of every meal and snack you eat can encourage you to change your diet.

Plus, this can help you examine the quantity and quality of your meals as well as holding you accountable for every bite you eat.

13. Eat Five Times a Day

Although no conclusive study proves that eating 4 to 5 mini meals a day can shed weight, I happen to like this eating method very much. And I recommend that you give it a try and see for yourself.

The thing is, as long as you’re eating the right foods, eating small meals throughout the day can help you win the battle of the bulge.

Hence, try eating four to five 350 to 500-calorie meals every three to four hours. These small meals should include breakfast, a mid-morning snack, a small early lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, then finally a small and light dinner.

Here is sample schedule:

  • 7:30 am—Breakfast
  • 10:00 am—Mid-morning snack
  • 1:00 pm—Lunch
  • 4:00 pm—Evening snack
  • 7:00 pm—Dinner

14. Or Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is the artful form of skipping meals without hurting your weight loss efforts.

Intermittent fast, or IF for short, involves regular short-term fasts. According to research, fasting during short, specific “windows” during the day can help people consume fewer calories, as well as optimizing some hormones linked to weight control.

There are several methods of IF. One of the most popular is the 16/8 method, in which you skip breakfast and eat during a limited 8-hour feeding period.

During the 16/8, you fast for 16 hours (including sleep time). Fasting from 9 pm to 1 pm—for example—equals 16 hours of fasting.

This method only requires you trading breakfast for a cup of coffee or some other non-calorie fluid, then having lunch as the first meal of the day.

The 16/8 Method is convenient, simple and does not require counting calories. You can do the 16/8 fast twice a week, on weekends, or every single day.

15. Fill your Plate with Veggies First

As you already know, eating more vegetables has been shown to be one of the most significant predictors of weight loss and ideal health.

However, that’s only one part of the struggle.

One thing you can do to make sure you eating enough vegetables is fill up half of your plate with the stuff.

Next, divide the other half into two quarters. Fill one-quarter with good carbs, like sweet potatoes, brown rice or a slice of whole-grain bread. Fill the other quarter with lean protein such as skinless poultry, fish, lean beef or beans.

With this simple trick, you won’t even need to count your calories nor worry about portion size.

16. Spice it Up

Spicy items like hot sauce chopped jalapeno and Cajun seasonings add a lot of flavor to your meals with few calories and no fat. But that’s not the whole story.

According to research, most spicy foods contain a compound called Capsaicin, the source from which chilies get their heat, which can tame appetite and increase metabolism.

In fact, research shows that capsaicin has a thermogenic effect, boosting body temperature after consumption, which may lead to a higher calorie burn for 20 to 30 minutes post chow-down.

So please just say no to sweet and creamy sauces or and choose spices instead.

17. Cook with Coconut Oil

Two tablespoons per day of coconut oil can help you reduce waist circumference by an average of 1.1 inches over the course of a month, according to study.

Coconut oil scores high on the healthy medium chain saturated fatty acids fats (known Medium Chain Triglycerides, or MCTs) that increase metabolism for immediate energy and decrease appetite.

Just make sure to use virgin coconut oil because it’s usually made with no chemicals in the process, unlike the refined, or RBD, oil that’s usually chemically treated.

18. Have Breakfast

A study conducted at Harvard revealed that obesity rates are roughly 40 to 50 percent lower in people who have breakfast on a consistent basis, compared with those who skip breakfast.

A healthy breakfast will make you less likely to be hungry and possibly overeat over the remainder of the day.

Therefore, unless you are doing intermittent fasting, and know what you are doing, you should never skip breakfast.

Aim for a breakfast of 400 to 500 calories—depending of course on your own weight loss goals, age, fitness level, and exercise goals.

A healthy breakfast should consist of a serving of protein, a serving of whole grain carbs, and a serving of fruit—especially after a morning workout.

19. Eat Eggs for Breakfast

Eggs should be a staple in your daily eating menu, so why not start your day with them?

Well, here is one reason backed up by science.

A study found that obese subjects lost more weight and had a higher reduction in waist circumference when they ate a breakfast of two eggs instead of bagels, even though each group’s breakfast contained the same amount of calories.

Why? Eggs are rich in protein (one egg contains about six grams of protein) and other valuable nutrients, helping you feel full for longer.

20. Have Barley for Breakfast

If you don’t like eggs for breakfast, then another healthy choice is barley.

Barley is one of the best foods you can eat. It helps control your appetite, reducing the risks of overeating in the morning.

In fact, according to Swedish researchers, having barley for breakfast can help you keep your blood sugar levels under control. Barley scores low on the GI index, meaning it raises blood sugar level more slowly than some other high carbs foods, bagels, and donuts for instance.

However, to make the most out of it, buy minimally processed hull barley, and avoid processed forms, such as pearl barley.

21. Watch the Salad Dressing

Salads should be a big part of your eating menu. They are healthy and one of the best ways to ensure you eating enough veggies.

But, if you don’t keep an eye on those goodies on top, you can make your salads more calorie-laden than a pizza or bagel. The fact is, many of these dressings are choke-full with preservatives, trans fats, and artificial flavor, which can spell disaster on an otherwise healthy and green dish.

Therefore, for more flavor, opt for low-calorie and healthier alternatives. Try avocado oil, refined olive oil, homemade Paleo mayonnaise, a squeeze of lemon juice, tomato juice, macadamia, balsamic vinegar or even some home-made salsa.

22. Eat light at Night

By eating light during the late evening, you won’t only prevent weight gain, but also sleep much better, and have a better appetite for a healthy breakfast in the morning. And that’s all good if you ask me.

Here is how to make it happen:

First of all, aim to consume at least three-quarters of your calories before dinner.

Next, make sure to leave at least a gap of two to three hours between your meal and bedtime. This will help give your body enough time for your body to digest the food before you sleep.

Still, if you feel super famished just before going to bed, then eat a small serving of protein, such as a piece of cheese, or a hard-boiled egg.

23. Eat More Slowly

It takes roughly 20 minutes for leptin, the body’s satiety hormone, to kick in for your brain to get the signal of “fullness” from your stomach.

In other words, your brain doesn’t register when your stomach is full right away.

As a result, give it at least 20 minutes. If you are still hungry, then go back and have a healthy snack.

To help you eat slow, you can also use a set of chopsticks, or have your meal with your less dominated hand.

24. Chew your Food

Eating your meals more slowly and mindfully can help drastically decrease the amount of calories consumed during a meal, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Chewing and eating your food slowly helps you feel full faster, and this is the point at which you should stop eating.

As a result, next time you sit for a meal, make sure to take your time to chew your food rather than slugging it down as fast as you can.

25. Sit Down to Eat

If you are in the habit of eating on the go, then you are heading in the wrong direction.

Research published in the Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, found that taking a seat at the table while eating can help you eat at a slower pace, and the slower you eat, the better.

So, please, make sure to eat your food while sitting down, preferably from a plate.

26. Mind your Portion Sizes

According to a study, subjects who practiced portion control for two years lost 5 percent more weight than those who didn’t.

Therefore, limit your portions so you can lose weight and keep it off for good.

To do that, you’ll have to Learn how to gauge portion size correctly, so you know for sure the amount of calories you are taking in and how they are affecting your weight loss efforts.

Here is a simple infographic to help you understand portion sizes.

Photo courtesy of GuardYourHealth.Com

27. Use Smaller Plates

A simple change from a 12-inch to the 10-inch plate can cut food consumption by up to 20 percent, according to the Cornell and Brand Lab’s Small Plate Movement.

Therefore, make sure to have your meals on a 10-inch plate instead of the larger ones —that’s roughly the size of your grandmother’s china.

Photo courtesy of SkinnyRules.com


27. Use Smaller Plates

Research shows that having your meals in a smaller plate can help you eat less and have better control over portion size.

In fact, even a simple change from a 12-inch to the 10-inch plate can reduce the amount of food you eat by up to 20 percent, according to the Cornell and Brand Lab’s Small Plate Movement.

Therefore, make sure to have your meals in a 10-inch plate instead of the larger ones —that’s roughly the size of your grandmother’s china.

Photo courtesy of SkinnyRules.com

28. Change your Plate Color

You can cut your serving size to 20 percent when opting for contrasting plate color instead of colors that blend in with the meal’s color, according to a study conducted at the Cornell University.

So next time you sit for a meal, make sure that your food and plate colors are different. Many experts recommend blue because most foods are not blue. Or at least, make sure your plate doesn’t match the color of your meal.

29. Turn off the TV

According to a study from the University of Massachusetts, eating in front of the TV leads to consuming more than 300 extra calories. When you are busy watching TV, you are more likely to be so distracted that you just devour an entire plate within a matter of minutes.

Therefore, create a distraction-free eating environment. Turn off the TV, throw away the phone, shut down Facebook, and put your mind on the task at hand and enjoy your meal.

30. Find a Healthy Meal and Eat it Over and Over Again

Come up with a list of low-calorie foods that you love and satisfies your daily energy needs, then mix and match and eat the same meals over and over again.

By planning your healthy meals, you will be less likely to make unhealthy last-minute food choices. This method will also help you spend less time fretting about the right foods you need to eat.

31. Never Shop Hungry

According to a study conducted at Cornell University, eating something healthy before going to the grocery store makes shoppers less prone to buy junk food. Shopping while feeling full strengthens your willpower and makes you immune to junk food temptations.

Therefore, never go shopping when you are hungry. Instead, consume a filling meal first then go shopping.

Or at least, have some produce or a healthy snack before you hit the grocery aisle.

32. Read Labels

Not only learning this skill will give you a better idea of the number of calories you are consuming, but will also help be aware of the food’s nutritional value. So, take the time to read the labels, making sure you know how to interpret the different meanings and ingredients.

Here is a quick and easy guide to get you started. An infographic.


33. Make a Weekly Grocery List

To make sure you are putting the right kind of foods into your shopping cart, write a detailed and thorough grocery list so you know exactly what you need without much second-guessing.

This will not only help you get in and out of the store as quickly as possible, but it can also help you decrease impulse purchases and stick to your healthy eating plan.

Use this simple list to stock your kitchen up with healthy food all week (or month) long.

Here is the infographic you need.

Infographic courtesy of Greatist.

35. Banish Emotional Eating

If you’re more likely to eat due to depression, anxiety or loneliness, then you might be prone to emotional eating.

Therefore, you need to do something about it.

In fact, according to research, emotional eating is one the leading causes of bad food choices.

Emotional eating can compromise your weight loss efforts—especially since most of the food we crave tend to be sweet, high-calorie, and fatty foods.

So, reevaluate your relationship with the food you eat and learn how to differentiate between real hunger (physical hunger) and fake hunger (head hunger).

36. Say No to the Bread Basket

Research has found a direct link between regular consumption of white bread and being prone to weight gain issues.

White bread adds a lot of empty calories to your meals, and it doesn’t keep you feeling full.

Bread is also high in carbs, and eating it in bulk will prevent stored body fat from being used as fuel, hindering the fat burning process.

And the real bad news is that white bread is a staple in most pantries.

So what should you do here?

It’s simple: Replace your white bread with whole grain or whole wheat bread whenever you can, period.

37. Banish the Junk Food

To set your environment up for total weight loss success, make sure to declare your house a junk food free zone area.

When you have no unhealthy food laying around, you will be more likely to stick to your healthy eating plan. In other words, practice the “out of sight, out of mind” mantra.

Purge your kitchen of the sugar-filled, highly processed junk food, such as cookies, cakes, pies, candy, sugary drinks, biscuits, crisps pretzels, pastries and other sugary and processed treats.

38. Stock Up on Healthy Foods

Instead of letting junk food take shelter in your home, fill your kitchen cupboards with healthier foods and snacks so when the hunger pangs strike, you will be at least reaching for something healthy.

Here a few of the food items you should stock up on:

  • Fruits,
  • Unsweetened or unsalted popcorn,
  • Baby carrots,
  • Nuts and seeds,
  • hard-boiled eggs.

39. Stop Drinking Soda

Reseaerch has linked soda to a host of health troubles, including obesity, diabetes, and a plethora of other trouble.

And if you believe that diet soda is a good alternative, then you are WRONG.

In fact, diet soda is a bad as the regular type. A study conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center showed that subjects who drank two cans of diet soda are more likely to gain, not lose, weight, compared to those who didn’t drink the stuff.

So please don’t drink your calories. That’s even worse than eating junk food. Have water instead of the habitual soda, and you will be thinner and way healthier for it.

40. Reduce Alcohol Intake

A study published in Current Obesity Reports found that alcohol intake increases the risk for weight gain, especially for heavy drinkers.

Not only that, according to a UK survey, drinking alcohol weakens will power and inhibits healthy eating decisions, making you more likely to indulge in high-fat high-calorie foods, such as pizza, burgers, and chips.

Therefore, if alcohol is your diet downfall, then you need to cut it out, or, at least, have control over your drinking.

41. Drink More Water

Your body uses water to metabolize fat stores, and it’s key to every other process.

Plus, water has no calories at all, and can help you feel full without actually having to fill yourself with more food. So instead of drinking juices and soft drinks, I urge you to start drinking more water.

Shoot for at least 10 to 12 cups of water per day. Drink plenty of water before your workouts, during your workouts, and immediately afterward.

Make sure that your body is well hydrated throughout the day. You will feel fitter and healthier when your body is well hydrated. This will dampen any penchant for gorging.

  1. Drink Water Before a Meal

Chugging a glass of water before a meal can help you reduce appetite since the water will take up room in your stomach, making you feel full.

In fact, you can lose up to 30 percent more weight by only having two cups of water before each meal, according to research.

Another study from the University of Birmingham in the U.K. found that drinking roughly 16 ounces of H2O 30 minutes before a meal promotes weight loss—without making any other dietary changes.

  1. Drink Green Tea

I believe that green tea, just after water, is the healthiest drink on the planet.


This remarkable beverage is rich in antioxidants, anti-cancer and brain-healthy compounds and a host of other helpful and vital nutrients for health.

Not only that, according to a study published in the Journal of Nurse Practitioners, green tea can help you reduce your appetite and increase metabolism, essentials keys in weight loss.

As a result, add green tea to your menu. Stick to two to three cups a day. Opt for brewed varieties over bottled to avoid added calories and artificial chemicals and sweeteners.

Adding sugar and cream to your tea will wipe out any weight loss benefits. So please, get used to drinking your tea with no sweeteners or adornment.

44. Snack Smart

“Dumb” snacking—especially when snacking on high-sugar, highly processed foods with little or no nutritional value, especially during the night time, can compromise your weight loss goals.

Smart snacking between meals can tame hunger and control appetite, helping you prevent overeating and making bad food choices when the meal comes.

Therefore, if you snack often, then do it the smart way. Healthy ideas include hard-boiled eggs, apples, a handful of nuts, seed or dried fruits.

45. Don’t be a Perfectionist

Practice the 90/10 rule.

As a rule of thumb, 90 percent of your diet should be focused on healthy food (vegetables, lean protein, and the healthy fats) while the remaining 10 percent can be devoted to “cheat meals.”

By adhering to this simple rule, you will indulge your sweet tooth and satisfy your cravings without throwing your whole intake out of balance.

Cheat meals are vital for a healthy diet—as long as you are doing them right.

So, feel free to cheat every now and then. That’s how you can stay sane for the long haul. Just keep it for one meal, not for the entire day.

Exercise Tips

46. Start Slow

Whether you are thinking about starting a running program, hitting the weight room, hiring a personal trainer, or joining a CrossFit class, starting slow is the way to go.

Therefore, once you decide on a workout program, start slow and stay within your fitness level at all times.

If you are a beginner with little exercise experience, then start with two to three workouts per week, for least 30 minutes per session. As you get fitter and stronger, aim to slowly and gradually ramp it up until you reach your challenging point.

47. Start Running

One of the best exercises you can do to lose weight and get fit for good is running. This sport is convenient and sheds mad calories. All you need is a pair of good running shoes, and there you go.

This whole blog is about running and the many ways you can incorporate it into your life.

So why wait?

In fact, since you ended up on this blog (whether by accident or intention), then this is your perfect opportunity to get into the sport of running.

Here are the resources you need to get started running without risking injury or burnout.

48. Lift Weights

Weight lifting is an INTEGRAL part of any weight loss program, and if you are skipping the strength room sessions, then you are missing out big time.

Strength training builds muscles, and the more muscles you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. This means you will burn more calories even when you are not working out. Isn’t that a good thing?

Therefore, add at least two strength workouts into your training program.

For the highest calorie burn, train your entire body on each workout. Focus on total-body exercises that challenge the large muscle groups, like push-ups, squats, deadlifts, planks, lunges, and pull-ups.

49. Go Swimming

If you are looking for a low-impact workout option that burns mad calories without putting a lot of pressure on your body, then look no further than swimming.

In fact, a 160-pound person can burn up to 520 calories by swimming laps for an hour. The exact amount of calories burned depends, mostly, on a wide range of factors, such as weight, age, fitness level, and training intensity.

Also, swimming uses all the body’s muscles, so with each kick, push, and pull, you are performing a mini strength workout for your entire body—especially your glutes, core, hips, arms, and shoulders.

50. Do Yoga 2X Per Week

Yoga is another low-impact exercise that can help you melt fat without breaking a sweat. According to study, overweight subjects who rolled out their yoga mat at least once a week for four years lost more weight than those who didn’t take the time to practice.

Yoga can also help you become more flexible, reduce stress and promote a general sense of health and well-being. I can go and on about the benefits of yoga.

Therefore, add at least a couple of yoga sessions into your training program, by either following a yoga DVD program or enrolling in a yoga class.

But, please practice it with good form. You are always better off doing it under the guidance of a certified professional. And once you nail the form, you can practice it in the comfort of your home.

51. Shoot for 10,000+ Steps Every Day

According to research conducted at the Arizona State University, people leading an active lifestyle typically take over 10,000 steps per day.

This is very helpful if you can’t afford to go to a gym, or are looking for more ways to be active that doesn’t involve intense exercise.

10,000 steps a day might seem like too much walking, but it’s not. There are always opportunities to squeeze in more walks during everyday life situation.

Just be creative with your walks. It doesn’t have to be a chore. Meet up with a friend and walk around the neighborhood or park. Go to museums. Talk a walk during your lunch break. Walk to your place of work instead of taking a car or public transport if possible.

To make sure you’re on the right path, use a pedometer or fitness tracker to keep tabs on your daily steps.

52. Challenge Yourself

Real growth happens when you’re outside of your comfort zone. If you stick to the same exercise routine—whether it’s weight lifting, running, swimming, you name it—you will invite boredom and training plateaus to your life.

On the other hand, if you challenge yourself regularly, you’ll improve. So challenge yourself to lift more weight, or to run farther in the same amount of time. Even the tiniest and smallest improvement counts here.

Keep a training journal here and have concise fitness goals that push you without pushing you too much.

53. HIIT it Hard

High-intensity interval training is, by far, the ideal training method to help you burn mad calories and improve fitness level like nothing else. In fact, study after study has shown HIIT to be effective for weight loss and improving fitness level like nothing else.

This type of training is all about mixing high-intensity exercise with low to moderate intensity exercises.

I have used it. I have done it. And I love it, and I bet you will love it too—once you get used to it and learn how to do it right.

54. Sprint it out

Sprint are the ultimate form of high-intensity interval training. They are simple, intense, and scalable so you can always readjust them to fit with your own needs and training goals.

During sprint intervals, you alternate between running as fast as possible for a set distance and brief periods of slow jogging for recovery.

Here is how to proceed on your next sprint session.

After a thorough warm-up of 10 minutes, perform 8 to 10 30-seconds full-efforts sprints at your maximum speed.

Take one-minute recovery between each sprint, then finish your session with a 5-minute cooldown.

55. Run Some Hills

Hill reps are the next level of the track sprints. The are one of the best resistance exercises for the lower body, helping build strength and speed in your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves.

Hill sprints are also safer on your legs and take less time to perform.

Plus, they are.

Here is how to proceed:

Find a steep gradient hill that can take up to 20 to 30 seconds to reach the top, then sprint up it as fast as you can.

Next, slowly jog back down to recover.

Perform enough reps for the session to last between 20 to 25 minutes, then end your workout with a 5-minute cooldown jog.

Here are five more hill workouts to try.

56. Rope Training

Rope training is one of the most under-utilized, yet most effective training tools for increasing cardiovascular fitness, speed up weight loss and improve muscle endurance


For starters, this training system is a fat burning machine. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, battling the ropes for one minute can burn up to 10.3 calories per minute. That translates to 400 to 500 calories in a simple 30-minute workout.

Plus, battle ropes exercises target almost every muscle in the body—especially the core, including the glutes, lower, obliques, and abs.

Here is a battle rope workout routine to try out.

57. Use the Kettlebells

The kettlebells, the cannonball-like weight with a handle, are one of the best training tools to add to your workouts if you want to get a leaner, stronger body without spending endless hours in the gym.

According to research conducted at the University of Wisconsin, kettlebell training burns as many calories per minute as a 6-minute mile—amounting to 400 to 500 calories for a 30-minute workout.

Another research has also found that kettlebell training can lessen shoulder, neck and back pain by strengthening upper body and core muscles.

Here is a simple workout routine to try:

After a thorough 10-minute warm-up, do 12 reps of kettlebell squat thrusts, followed immediately by 16 reps of the kettlebell swings, then do 12 kettlebell snatches. Rest for one to two minutes, then repeat the whole circuit three to four times.

Here is another kettlebell workout to try.

58. Stop Doing Crunches

Crunches, sit-ups, and other traditional ab exercises are a waste of time and energy.

In fact, these sit-ups and crunches can lead to lower back pain and cause herniated discs. They are also boring and not that effective—especially when performed with bad form.

Instead, do planks (with all of its variations), or total-body exercises, such as deadlifts, squats, floor wipes.

Here are 13 variations of the standard plank to try out.

  1. Do Tempo Runs on the Treadmill

Also known as lactate threshold, LT, or threshold run, this is a faster-paced workout that’s vital for improving metabolic fitness and maximizing the number of calories burned on the treadmill.

Here is how to proceed:

First step: Warm up with five minutes of easy jogging,

Second step: Run a mile at 20 to 30 seconds slower than your half-marathon pace—a pace that feels comfortably easy.

Third step: Pick up the pace every mile by 5 to 10 seconds until you’re running the final mile 20 seconds faster than your half marathon pace.

Fourth step: Finish the workout by a slow five-minute jog and some light stretching.

  1. Hill Treadmill Intervals

The second treadmill workout is a hill interval routine.

Performing indoor hill intervals can help you get more out of your treadmill workout by simulating outside hill running, vital for increasing endurance and building killer lower-body strength.

Here is the hill treadmill workout to try out:

First step: Warm-up

Second step: Raise the incline to three or five percent and run for 90-second at 15 seconds slower than your 10K pace—a pace that feels mildly challenging.

Third step: Recover by jogging slowly for one full minute with no incline.

Fourth step: Raise the incline to five or seven percent and run for another 90-second at 15 seconds slower than your 10K pace. Recover for one minute

Fifth step: Repeat “Fourth Step” three to six times, depending on your fitness level and goals. You could also opt for a steeper incline.

Sixth step: Cool-down

  1. Embrace Free Weights

Free weights, like dumbbells and barbells, are far superior to any training equipment or any kind of machine you could find.

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, exercising with free weights instead of machines leads to greater muscle activation.

With free weights, you can target every muscle groups in your body without wasting precious time moving from machine to machine or going back and forth between different pieces of equipment.

Also, free weights can help you achieve better symmetry between both sides of the body by forcing the weak side to work unaided by the dominant side.

They are also convenient, scalable and easy to learn.

  1. Start Crossfit

I love CrossFit, and I believe it’s one of the best workout programs out there that can help you push yourself and keep improving.

There are basically nine basic exercises in most CF training routines. These include: the deadlift, sumo deadlift high pull, shoulder press, push press, push jerk, air squat (without the weights), front squat, overhead squat, and medicine ball clean.

As you get stronger, you’ll be doing other exercises such as sprints, pull-ups, burpees, sit-ups, box jumps, rowing, gymnastics ring work and other moves.

  1. The Tabata Protocol

Dubbed as the fat burning miracle training routine, Tabata protocol is a form of high-intensity training scientifically proven to improve aerobic, anaerobic threshold, and calorie burn.

The typical Tabata workout routine can burn up to 12 to 15 calories per minute, according to a study.

Here is a workout sample:

Performs the following exercises for as many reps as possible in 20 seconds, rests for 10 seconds, then moves to the next exercise as fast as possible for 20 seconds. Shoot for six to eight total rounds, resting one minute between each round.

  • 20 seconds of squat jumps, 10 seconds of rest.
  • 20 seconds of burpees, 10 seconds of rest.
  • 20 seconds of jumping lunges, 10 seconds of rest.
  • 20 seconds of push-ups, 10 seconds of rest.
  • 20 seconds of kettlebell swings, 10 seconds of rest.

Here is another Tabata workout routine to try out.

  1. Med Ball Training

Med balls are powerful and can be a great addition to your training arsenal.

What I love about med ball exercises is that they are some of the best and most challenging core exercises you can ever do, building both muscular power and endurance while pushing the cardiovascular system to the breaking point.

Here is a medicine ball workout to try out.

  • Squat to chest pass
  • Suitcase Crunch
  • Diagonal Chop
  • Russian twist
  • Lunge to rotation

Here is another medicine ball workout to try.

  1. Add Short Cardio After Each Weight Workout

Engaging in an intense exercise after 45 minutes to an hour of weight training, might guarantee that the activity right after immediately uses up fat as the primary source of energy.

In other words, the window right after your weight workout session is prime fat-burning time. So make the most out of it.

Here are three workout finishers to try out:

Workout Finisher One

Do three rounds of:

  • Plate Push for 30 seconds
  • kettlebell swings, 15 reps
  • Med-ball thrusters, 15 reps

Workout Finisher Two

Do three sets of:

  • Lunge jumps, 20 reps
  • Burpee, 15 reps
  • Jump rope for one full minute.

Workout Finisher Three

The 300-yard shuttle sprints.

Place two cones or water bottles roughly 25 yards apart, then run as fast as you can back and forth between the cones for eight to ten times. Aim to touch the cones each time.

  1. Try a Group Fitness Class

If you are more of an extrovert and enjoy the company of others, then consider joining a group fitness class.

These group fitness classes are a great way to stay on track, up the ante with your workouts, and meet active and like-minded people. Plus, group support and peer pressure can do wonders for your weight loss journey.

The good news is that there a wide range of classes, and you will find something that fits within your budget, fitness level, and training goals.

Different classes offer different exercises and workout routines gear around building strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Try Crossfit, join an MMA class, try a spinning class, or enroll in fitness boot camps. Just find the class you like and stay consistent with for the long haul.

  1. Try an Outdoor Activity

Working out outdoor will not only help you lose weight, but can also bring in a lot of health benefits.

In fact, study shows that outdoor exercising is linked to plenty of health benefits, like vitality, self-esteem, enthusiasm and lower levels of stress hormone cortisol. Working out outdoor can help you reduce tension, fatigue, and depression, according to study.

Here is a list of outdoor activities and sports that will put your gym workouts to shame:

  • Biking
  • Kayaking
  • Stand-up paddle boarding
  • Skating
  • Frisbee
  • Surfing
  • Rowing
  • Bouldering
  • Hiking
  • Trekking
  • Beach volleyball
  • Rock climbing
  • Badminton

  1. Follow a Workout Plan

If you a have a good, even a mediocre, plan, then you are more likely to lose weight and achieve your fitness goals than if you don’t.

In my experience, the best workout plan involves working out three to four times—depending on your current fitness level, and training goals.

Start your workouts with a proper warm-up, do the workout, then finish with a cool-down and a few stretches.

If you have never been to a gym, then ask a trainer for some advice—or hire them if you have the budget for it. It’s important that you start off on the right foot and build it up the right way.

  1. Start a Workout Journal

One of the best ways I know of—along with regular fitness tests—to measure your fitness progress (or lack thereof) is keeping track of your training routines and cycles in a workout journal.

I’d go as far as to claim that keeping a workout journal is as important as the training itself—especially if you are serious about reaching your full potential.

So, please get a workout diary to keep tabs on all of your training sessions, workout routines, daily miles, weights used, reps performed, the number of sets, energy levels, performance numbers and everything else.

  1. Schedule Your Workout

To ensure training consistency, schedule your workouts the same way you schedule an important work meeting or family event.

By giving your training routine the same urgency you give to your school deadlines, work meeting, and unpaid taxes, you will increase the odds of following through and staying consistent with it—especially if you are leading a hectic life.

Therefore, spend at least 10 minutes on Sunday evenings to plan your workouts for the week the same way you would with other obligations.

Take at least two workouts and schedule them like an appointment that you don’t miss—these will be the most important workouts of the week—preferably a total-body strength workout and an intense cardio session.

Jut down on your daily calendar the exact time you are going to exercise. Then treat your workouts like unbreakable commitment.

  1. Exercise First Thing in the Morning

According to research, people who work out first thing in the morning are more likely to stay consistent with their training program than those who skip the morning workouts.

When you get your session done first thing in the morning, you won’t have to worry about doing it later in the day.

Plus, you are more likely to get your workout done when the rest of the world is still asleep.

Exercising in the morning is also a great way to help you wake up, boost your energy levels and increase your brainpower and productivity for the rest of the day.

Therefore, go to bed 60 to 90 minutes earlier than usual so you could have enough time for a workout first thing in the morning.

  1. Peer Up with a Training Buddy

According to a study conducted at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine, working out with a partner speeds up weight loss results.

The more you rub shoulders with people who support your goals and your vision, the more likely you will succeed.

Chances are you are going to be more consistent with your workouts when you got a training buddy to motivate you and hold you accountable for your action.

As a result, whether you are trying to get into a better shape or simply want to shed a few extra pounds, be sure to schedule your workouts (or, at least, some of them) with a workout partner.

  1. Hire a Personal Trainer

If you are looking to get the most out of every hour you spend working out, then you might hire a personal trainer—especially if you have the budget for it.

A personal trainer can help learn proper form, hold you accountable to your goals, devise a smart workout strategy, overcome physical and emotional obstacles, and teach how to safely progress your workouts so you can keep on getting real results without hurting yourself.

Once you find one, ask them to take you through a fitness assessment to identify your weaknesses and muscular imbalances, which can help come up with a well-rounded workout routine that fits with your current fitness needs and goals.

  1. Do What you Love

In opinion, the best exercise program in the world is the activity you already love doing

When you opt for an exercise you love doing, you’ll have more fun while doing it. Hence, you will be more likely to keep doing it over the long haul.

Therefore, if you like running, then run.

If you like swimming, then swim.

If you like skating, then skate.

If you like boxing, then box.

If you prefer lifting weights, then pump it hard.

If you like them all, then alternate between them as often as you like—for at least 30 to 40 minutes a day.

Do whatever you want. You are the boss. You are in charge.

The list of workout options is long and varied; you just have to find something you love doing.

  1. Practice Proper Recovery

Spending endless hours working out will eventually lead to diminishing returns. In fact, if your current workout routine doesn’t allow for proper rest, then you are flirting with disaster.

If you don’t plan recovery into your workout routine, you’ll hinder your ability to train, and might set the stage for injury, burnout, and serious trouble.

Becoming a workout addict will only get you in trouble.

Therefore, build good recovery habits.

For starters, space out your hard workouts—especially intervals and intense strength sessions—with at least two days of rest. And take as many recovery days as you need—especially if you have overtraining symptoms, such as an elevated heart rate and chronic soreness and fatigue.

Sleep is also essential for proper recovery. Aim for at least eight hours of high quality and uninterrupted sleep during the night’s time.

You can also plan a recovery week by decreasing your training volume 50 to 60 percent every four to five weeks of training.

Motivation Tips

  1. Manufacture Motivation

Motivation is of paramount importance… maybe the most important thing here.

You will need as much inspiration as possible to keep your inner fire burning and you going about making your goals real.

Therefore, you need to learn how to manufacture motivation on demand; otherwise, your results will be limited.

So, do what you have to do to keep your motivation going strong.

Read real life success stories, read fitness blogs and magazines and books, use the reward system and the buddy system, take before and after pictures, set weight loss goals and make them public, use mantras and motivation quotes, etc.

Just be open and try them all.

For some of my favorite techniques, check the following 5 to 6 bullet tips.

  1. Set S.M.A.R.T goals

This is a good checklist to consider when you are about to set your goals.

Standing for specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused and time bound, SMART goals are the way to go about setting goals. In fact, setting smart goals can mean the difference between success and failure. This kind of goals will help keep you focused and motivated.

So, come up with one weight loss goal and one performance goal and keep these two goals somewhere visible, so you are reminded of them every day.

For example, “lose 15 pounds in three months,” and “Run three times per week for the upcoming three months.”

Over the long term, the best weight loss goal is to aim for losing one to two pounds a week. That may not seem like much, but if you keep doing it consistently, it adds up.

Do it for a month, and you could shed about 4 to 8 pounds.

Do it for three months, and you could shed up to 12 to 20 pounds.

You get the picture here.

Sure, it might not be as fast as you would like it to be, but long and steady is what will help you win the flab race.

If you are looking for more tips on how to set fitness goals, then check this post.

  1. Go Public With your Goals

Research shows that if you make your goals public, you will be more likely to stick with your healthy lifestyle plan. This can help keep you accountable for your action and working hard on achieving your vision.

Your social circle can encourage you, and push you to do your best, never giving up.

Plus, we all have this instinct and drive inside of us that doesn’t want to let people down—especially people we care about.

As a result, I encourage you to make your weight loss goals public and commit to giving regular updates to your family members, friends or social circle every week or month.

Share them also on Facebook, Twitter, and social media.

  1. Enlist your Friends and Family Support

The weight loss journey is not a smooth ride, and you need to get all the support you need.

A strong support system can be the difference between success and failure. In fact, a study revealed that people who had the support of their social circle lost more weight than those who didn’t.

So let your family and friends keep you motivated, and hold you accountable for your actions, making sure you never deviate from your weight loss journey.

And please, banish negative people from your life. They will only bring you down and hamper your progress. You are better off spending time with people who believe and support your goals.

  1. Get your Partner on Board

When you go on a weight loss journey, your entire life has to change to make the necessary changes you need. If you are married, or live with a partner, then your decision will affect them too.

Therefore, you need to get them on board and have their support.

This kind of support can sometimes make the difference between reverting to the old ways and accomplishing the fitness goals you have set for yourself.

You can also decide to start the weight loss journey together and keep each other on track.

So, start preparing healthier dishes together. Eat more at home. Keep each other accountable. Go running together. Join a gym class. Build a home gym, etc.

Make it fun.

And keep in mind that the couples that work out together, stay together, research reveals.

  1. Use Online Support Networks

A study conducted by Britain’s Medical Research Council (MRC) found that people who had a weight loss support group lost more weight than those who didn’t join a support group.

These support groups can help you talk through your troubles, provide you with practical solutions to your problems, and most importantly, remind you that you are not alone. Look for these online message boards, open up, and talk about your struggles and victories.

Here is a list of websites to check out:

  1. Weigh Yourself Once a Week

Keeping track of your weight is a good strategy but obsessing over it is counterproductive. In fact, your weight isn’t everything, and it does not tell the whole story.

Stepping on the scale every day can have a negative impact on you. Your weight will fluctuate from day to day, and you will find yourself in a constant battle of ups and downs.

Most experts recommend that you weigh yourself once a week under the same conditions—preferably at the same time and on the same weekday. The best time is the morning, shortly after finishing your morning ritual and just before you have eaten.

  1. Take Progress Pictures

As I have already said, the scale only tells one side of the story. To get a full picture of your progress, you need to start taking pictures of your journey on a weekly basis.

Taking before and after pictures is not only perfect for keeping track of your progress, the “before” pictures can also be a huge wake-up call—the exact motivation kick you need to make your weight loss vision a concrete reality.

Here is a short video to show you how to take progress pictures the right way:

  1. Track Other Body Stats

Weekly weigh-ins and photo shoots are enough, but if you want to a clearer picture of your weight loss journey, start tracking other body stats.

Here are the main ones:

  • Take weekly measurements of your hips, chest and waist, upper arms, thighs and write it down.
  • Measure your starting body fat percent and then check on it on a monthly basis. You can use a body fat caliper.
  • Ask another person, preferably a trusted friend or family member. Look for honest critique and feedback.
  • Check how your clothes fit. Are they looser than before?

  1. Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for your progress can help reinforce your new habits and provide you with the motivation you need to continue with your journey.

So after reaching a performance or weight loss goal, treat yourself to something nice.

Some of the best things you can do to reward yourself include shopping, going to the movies, taking a surfing lesson, taking a vacation to your dream destiny, spending a weekend at the spa, reading a book, binge watching your favorite show, or just sleeping in.

And please do yourself a favor and don’t make your rewards about foods—unless it’s a cheat meal.

  1. Sign Up for a Race

To keep running and exercising regularly, consider signing up for a 5K race. In fact, this is perfect if you are beginner runner and looking to build your cardio power and fitness on the right way.

The good news is that you can find plenty of 5K races in your city or cities near you by just checking out websites like Runners World or Running in the USA for local races and dates.

After signing up for a 5K race, find a training program to help you get you ready and fit to cross the finish line.

As a general guideline, most 5K training plans usually last 8 to 12 weeks, so you will have a good plan to follow to get you in shape.

Lifestyle & Mindset Tips

  1. Take Responsibility for Unhealthy Habits

Yes. You are in charge.

You choose the scripts by which you live your life.

You are the king or queen of your actions, and no one is responsible for them but you.

Bad habit or not, it’s yours. And you are in charge of it—whether you like to admit it or not.

And you responsible for changing it. No one else is.

It’s just a habit you’ve built by repetition, and by repetition, you can break from it.

So please take conscious responsibility for your everyday action—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Taking responsibility for your actions is empowering because you realize that you are the master of your destiny.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep will not only make your life miserable, but it will also make your waistline bigger.

In fact, study found sleep-deprived individuals are more likely to be overweight and suffer from a plethora of health troubles.

Sleep deprivation can boost hunger, muscle loss, and unwanted weight gain.

As a result, log in at least 8 hours of high quality, uninterrupted sleep during the nighttime.

  1. Relax

According to research, stress is often a chief cause of weight gain whereas relaxation can speed up healthy weight loss results.

When we are stressed out, we seek comfort and emotional release in food, and usually reaching for high-calorie and unhealthy food.

Plus, stress also increases the release of a hormone known as cortisol—key culprit behind stubborn belly fat.

To tame stress, make sure to meditate, take long walks in nature, talk your problems out with a friend, sleep enough, get rid of friction in your life, do yoga, or consider therapy.

Bottom line, as long as you are dealing with your stress in a positive and constructive manner, you are in the right place.

  1. Try Meditation

Sitting blissfully on a cushion for endless hours does not burn a lot of calories, but research shows that mindfulness—one the many benefits brought about by meditation—is key for weight loss and overall health and well-being levels.

Not only that, people who practice meditation on a regular basis are less likely to give in to emotional eating or unhealthy bingeing, according to a study.

This practice can also help you lower high blood pressure level and help you better manage stress, one of the primary root causes some people overeat and take bad food choices.

So what you are waiting for? The science backing up meditation is IRREFUTABLE.

Start with short meditation sessions lasting no more than 10 minutes. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. And whenever your mind wanders—and it has the tendency to do so—just bring it back and keep focusing on each exhale and inhale.

  1. Brush your Teeth More Often

By brushing and flossing your teeth right after dinner, you will be less likely to crave snacks or sweet desserts late night, thus setting environment right for preventing late night snacking.

Not only that, but this will also help keep your gums healthy and teeth clean.

For more, brush your teeth after every meal, breakfast lunch, and dinner, and this will make you less likely to snack between meals.

  1. Check your Hormones with a Blood Panel

By learning more about your hormonal situation, you can have a better idea of the type of nutrition and lifestyle changes you need to make to speed up your weight loss and increase your energy and health.

A blood panel can help you assess your levels of the stress hormone cortisol if your adrenals are insufficient, low in vitamin D3, or whether your cholesterol and blood sugar levels are within the normal healthy range.

  1. Embrace the Cold

According to research, spending time in relative chill temperatures can help you burn more calories, even if you are just sitting around doing nothing.

In fact, doing so can increase calorie burn by up to 30 percent, according to a study published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigations found that people who spend a couple of hours a day in mild cold—approximately 63 degrees F—for a period of six weeks burned more energy than those who spent the time in warmer temperatures.

Research also reveals that the cold fires up a substance in our bodies known as brown fat. This type works like a furnace and helps the body burn more calories as heat, according to the current theory.

So, next time you are thinking about skipping an outdoor workout because it’s “too cold” then keep in mind the cold is your friend.

  1. Handle the Social Festivities the Right Way

According to study, most people gain two to ten pounds during the winter months, and one of the main causes of this weight gain is, of course, the eating festivities during the holidays.

The best measure you can take here is to eat before going to a party. Doing this will help curb your hunger and take the edge off your appetite beforehand.

In addition, you can also bring your own healthy plate to make sure you have something healthy as an alternative.

  1. Watch your Weekends

Sure, you can stick with a healthy diet and exercise during the week, but once the freedom of the weekend arrives, you decide to take a break from your resolution, WRONG. Doing so can only set you back and undo your hard efforts

Therefore, you need to be conscious of the happy hour of work on Friday, the restaurant dinner on Saturday, and the home-cooked large meals on Sunday.

If you are not paying attention here, your weekends can turn into a diet landmine that can undo a week’s worth of healthy dieting and exercise.

Keep in mind that eating poorly and skipping workouts on Friday to Sunday every week comes out to a whopping 12 days off a month.

  1. Be Patient

Patience is a virtue. It will help you reduce stress, control cravings, plan things right, set the right goals, and most importantly, keep you consistent and going—especially when all the odds are stacked up against you.

Patience will allow you to see beyond the current (unpleasant) moment to a future in which you have already achieved what you are after.

In other words, the more patient you are, the more likely you’ll succeed.

So take your time to learn about what type of exercise works the best for you, take also your time and learn about the various foods with the best nutrition.

  1. Take Action

“Nothing happens until something moves”—Albert Einstein.

Every minute you are sitting around thinking, surfing the net, checking Facebook, you are not doing what you need to get closer to achieving your weight loss goals.

Regardless of how much you to change your life around and lead a healthier lifestyle, nothing will happen until you DO something. You can talk about starting a workout program and developing healthier eating habits all you want, but nothing will change until you start taking action.

So you had better get moving NOW.

Here is what to do: Come up with a list of the lifestyle changes you want to see happen, then give yourself time to make them a part of your life.

  1. Practice Kaizen

The philosophy of Kaizen is all about going after small, continuous improvement. It’s the kind of small improvement that builds up over time, over week, months and years of regular practice.

This is the best way to help you banish short-term and silver bullet thinking.

Achieving a healthy lifestyle is more of a marathon than sprint—meaning slow and steady wins the race.

As a result, embrace the small, continuous improvement philosophy and aim to get 1 percent better each day.

Begin every morning by asking yourself: what’s one thing I can do today that would improve my fitness and health? Then, start super small and go about achieving it.

Look for hundreds of these little things then keep building them up.

  1. Stick to your New Lifestyle After you Lose the Weight

According to research, most people gain back most of the weight they lost in less than two years after losing it. And this is atrocious.

Losing weight is hard enough. Gaining it all back sucks.

So, once you reach your target weight, keep in mind that it’s just half of the battle, and do your best not to revert to your old ways.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but the real secret to reaching your ideal weight and keeping it for life is making a lifelong commitment to the above diet, and exercise habits.

In fact, the moment you go back to your old ways is the when most of the pounds will creep back.

In the end, if you are serious about losing weight and never gaining it again, then you need to understand that it doesn’t stop.

All of it. The healthy eating. The sleeping. The running… it doesn’t stop.

You need to keep things going, prevent slip-ups and come up with creative ways to spice your workouts and cope with whatever life throws at you.

  1. Remember: It’s all About Creating a Calorie Deficit

Weight loss is all about creating a calorie deficit.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last decades, then you surely know that weight loss is a numbers game. Nothing more. Nothing else.

If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight.

If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight.

The healthy goal is to aim for a 500 calories deficit per day.

The best approach here is to do a mix of healthy eating and smart exercise to reach at a 500 calories deficit each day.

That’s it. Weight loss, in its basic form, is a numbers game

  1. Find What Works the Best For You

Please keep in mind that weight loss topics—whether it’s diet, exercise or lifestyle related—are some of the most controversial topics out there. Therefore, most of the tips and strategies I’m sharing with you today are based on my personal experience and research.

S,o of course, there are some contradictory tips—intermittent fasting Vs eating breakfast for instance—but there are some great one here.

Therefore, nothing is written in stone here. Take the tips with a grain of salt and remember that everyone is different and responds differently to different diets and exercise methods.

Just because a weight loss tactic works for someone else, it might not work for you.

In other words, feel free to experiment in order to find what works the best for you.

Bonus Tip: Never Give up

And this is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to losing weight and keeping off for good.

Weight loss resolutions fail because people give up way often and way early on their journey.

Therefore, whatever you do, please don’t give up.

Don’t give up.

Don’t ever give up.

Of course, you are going to go through bad days, weeks, even months. But don’t give up.

Shit happens, and it’s part of life.

If you fail, then start over. Get up and do it again. Change your approach, find how to do things differently.

And please, please, please don’t let your past mistakes and past failures define who you are. You are much more than that.

Welcome failure and let it shape your approach and course of action.


Boy, that was a long post, and you if you’ve made it so far, then I applaud you for your courage and commitment.

You are the best.

You rock for taking the time to invest in yourself…

Now stop wasting time and take action on what you have just learned.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Feel free to leave your questions and comment below.

David D.

Please share this post on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, StumbledUpon and other social media websites. Help me spread the word.

Featured Image Credit – Byong Wook via Flickr

Original article and pictures take http://www.runnersblueprint.com/best-weight-loss-tips-of-all-time/ site

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