понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

The 5 Best Tips for Skinny Guys Trying to Gain Muscle

The 5 Best Tips for Skinny Guys Trying to Gain Muscle
Skinny guy gain weight

Tired of people telling you how lucky you are because you can’t gain weight? Kick your body into gear with these 5 tips for packing on the pounds.

If you want to change the way your body is, then live by these six tips and you’ll be packing on quality muscle in no time.

1. Eat muscle fuel.

Eating is definitely the most important thing in gaining muscle. You need to eat a lot of proteins, which are building blocks for muscle and you need carbohydrates, which are the main energy source for your body. If you don’t get enough carbs during the day your body will start using proteins and muscle as a source of energy! The best foods for muscle gaining are chicken, turkey, steak, rice, pasta, oats, nuts, milk, eggs, and fish. So make sure you are eating these!

2. Eat every 2-3 hours.

Your body needs to have nutrients all the time, especially so if you’re trying to gain muscle weight. To eat 3 times a day is not enough, it takes too long before you start feeding your muscles. It’s best to eat a serious breakfast, then have a snack after two hours, then eat a protein rich lunch, then another snack, a workout an hour or so after that snack, a shake after a workout and then another big healthy meal in the evening. If you want, you can drink another shake right before going to bed so your muscles don’t starve while you sleep.

3. You grow when you rest NOT when you workout!

So many guys think that you are gaining muscle when you work out. WRONG! You are tearing your muscle, giving them micro-trauma when you train which gives them the ability to grow. BUT if you don’t give your body enough nutrients and enough rest you wont be growing at all, you’ll actually be working against yourself. You need to give your muscles adequate rest in between workouts to give them the time to heal and grow. So remember, don’t overtrain at the gym, you will just slow down your gains.

4. Focus on compound exercises.

Forget those fancy machines and fancy abs exercises. They aren’t as effective especially at the start of training when you need to gain muscle all over your body, not just those abs, chest and arms that are visible in the mirror. You have to do exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and overhead presses. They challenge most of your body’s muscles and give you the most bang for your buck!

5. Set goals.

It will be easier to motivate yourself if you have exact goals, like gain 20lbs of muscle in a year or improve your bench press from 100lbs to 200lbs in one year. Track your progress monthly also — see if your bench press has improved or if you’ve gained weight. Measure your arms, chest, and waist at key intervals so you can keep tabs on your program and progress.

I really can say that hitting the gym and starting to workout changed my life for the better. Bodybuilding teaches you not only to become stronger physically but mentally too. You have a stronger will, more determination, more self-confidence and you certainly get healthier. I used to be ill every winter as a child, but now, I can’t remember the last time I was really sick.

I hope you will start to go to the gym too and check out my blog for skinny guys who want to gain muscle at www.36pounds.com. I’m there to help you on the journey of going from skinny to buff and I will personally answer your emails with questions!

Best of luck,



Skinny guy gain weight

Tired of people telling you how lucky you are because you can’t gain weight? Kick your body into gear with these 5 tips for packing on the pounds.

If you want to change the way your body is, then live by these six tips and you’ll be packing on quality muscle in no time.

1. Eat muscle fuel.

Eating is definitely the most important thing in gaining muscle. You need to eat a lot of proteins, which are building blocks for muscle and you need carbohydrates, which are the main energy source for your body. If you don’t get enough carbs during the day your body will start using proteins and muscle as a source of energy! The best foods for muscle gaining are chicken, turkey, steak, rice, pasta, oats, nuts, milk, eggs, and fish. So make sure you are eating these!

2. Eat every 2-3 hours.

Your body needs to have nutrients all the time, especially so if you’re trying to gain muscle weight. To eat 3 times a day is not enough, it takes too long before you start feeding your muscles. It’s best to eat a serious breakfast, then have a snack after two hours, then eat a protein rich lunch, then another snack, a workout an hour or so after that snack, a shake after a workout and then another big healthy meal in the evening. If you want, you can drink another shake right before going to bed so your muscles don’t starve while you sleep.

3. You grow when you rest NOT when you workout!

So many guys think that you are gaining muscle when you work out. WRONG! You are tearing your muscle, giving them micro-trauma when you train which gives them the ability to grow. BUT if you don’t give your body enough nutrients and enough rest you wont be growing at all, you’ll actually be working against yourself. You need to give your muscles adequate rest in between workouts to give them the time to heal and grow. So remember, don’t overtrain at the gym, you will just slow down your gains.

4. Focus on compound exercises.

Forget those fancy machines and fancy abs exercises. They aren’t as effective especially at the start of training when you need to gain muscle all over your body, not just those abs, chest and arms that are visible in the mirror. You have to do exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and overhead presses. They challenge most of your body’s muscles and give you the most bang for your buck!

5. Set goals.

It will be easier to motivate yourself if you have exact goals, like gain 20lbs of muscle in a year or improve your bench press from 100lbs to 200lbs in one year. Track your progress monthly also — see if your bench press has improved or if you’ve gained weight. Measure your arms, chest, and waist at key intervals so you can keep tabs on your program and progress.

I really can say that hitting the gym and starting to workout changed my life for the better. Bodybuilding teaches you not only to become stronger physically but mentally too. You have a stronger will, more determination, more self-confidence and you certainly get healthier. I used to be ill every winter as a child, but now, I can’t remember the last time I was really sick.

I hope you will start to go to the gym too and check out my blog for skinny guys who want to gain muscle at www.36pounds.com. I’m there to help you on the journey of going from skinny to buff and I will personally answer your emails with questions!

Best of luck,



22 Things Viagra Still Hasn’t Cured

A decade after its inception (conception?), Viagra is still hailed as a savior for many men. Sure, Viagra cured one problem, but for being such a miracle drug there are still some things the little blue pill needs to work on.

Recently, CNN did an online article commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the “miracle drug” Viagra. The article, written by Madison Park, commends those responsible for helping all of those older guys and gals have a good time, but also, it laments the many problems in the bedroom that Viagra was not able to cure.

While reading it I couldn’t help but notice that while Mr/Ms. Park (Madison is one of the either way names after all, better play it safe) made some pretty fair and true observations he/she failed to mention quite a few other things that “the little blue pill” was unable to free us of.

I have taken the liberty of adding to Madison Park’s article with just a few other things that Viagra was unable to cure…

(In no specific order)

  1. Crap in My Room – It seems like I clean it day after day, again and again, but somehow the mess never seems to go away. It’s like the little gnomes that live in the walls of my room are taking the money I leave them to clean and just spending it on more crap to leave on my floor… so ungrateful.
  2. Tube Technology – I have long been a fierce advocate of the tube travel technology. Even with the support of celebrities like Tenacious D and others, the scientists continue to slack. Get the scientists working on the tube technology ASAP!
  3. BCS – Despite being cured of their frustrating impotence, greedy old men everywhere refuse to allow college football games to matter, forcing regular Joe’s everywhere to wander aimlessly through life without a true champion.
  4. The “Transformers” Movie – Seriously, I’m sick of having to explain to fan boys why this overlong, ludicrous, CGI orgy of a movie sucks. Transformers are awesome, they deserved better than this.
  5. T.O. – I’m pretty sure that 10 years ago I didn’t even know who T.O. was. Now, he is among the top 3 reasons why I hate the Cowboys.
  6. People Not Walking on Escalators – A message to all able bodied people under 60: I don’t care how fat you are; some of us have places to be, WALK UP THE GA’DAMM ESCALATOR.
  7. Dane Cook – Sure, he used to be funny, but now he just gets up on stage and acts like an asshole for an hour and pretends he’s telling jokes. This guy should have been right at the top of Viagra’s list. Then again you don’t hear much about Carlos Mencia anymore…
  8. Stereotypical Frat Brothers – I went to a Catholic university so I did not have the pleasure of experiencing these interesting beings during my college career, but after I graduated, I roomed with one for three months and then I understood why the terrorists hate us.
  9. Stupid Sports Fans – I’m not talking about those obnoxious troglodytes (dictionary it) that just mindlessly cheer for a team. I’m talking about guys (and gals) who pretend to know what they’re talking about and yet say completely retarded things like: “Cal Ripken Jr.’s consecutive game streak is more impressive than Brett Favre’s,” “Bo Jackson is the greatest multi-sport athlete of all time,” and “John Daly is an athlete.”
  10. My Top Gun-itis – I don’t even like “Top Gun” that much, but no matter what, whenever it is on, I watch it. Why? What makes me do this? You know that the part where Val Kilmer bites the air in front of Pete “Maverick” Mitchell’s face…what is that!?
  11. The Ending of “The Departed” – This movie is pretty good right up until the part where Scorcese decided he should rip off that “South Park” episode where they pretend they are cops and everyone suddenly double crosses/kills one another in the world’s most ridiculous triple plot twist ever. If you haven’t seen the original, “Infernal Affairs,” from Hong Kong you should, the ending is a million times better.
  12. The Organic Food Craze – It costs more. It isn’t necessarily any better for your body. It damages the environment.
  13. The Rock Always being in Bad Movies – I know this guy has talent, but for some reason he just can’t get his hands on a good movie to save his life. Can someone please help this man?
  14. Nicolas Cage Always being in Bad Movies Some people just don’t want to be helped.
  15. People Not Knowing about “Blow Your Face Out” – J. Geils Band is easily one of the most underrated bands ever and “Blow Your Face Out” is one of the sweetest live albums in the history of live albums, but have you heard of it? Probably not, because you are a loser. Just kidding, but, seriously, don’t be a loser. Download this album right now. “(Ain’t Nothin’ But A) Houseparty” is quite possibly the most awesome party sing along song you never heard.
  16. Overly PC People – Remember when you could throw a dodge ball at a fat kid, call someone a gypsy, and punch a douche bag in the face and have it not be a big deal? That was a simpler time. A better time.
  17. Turkey Making Me Sleepy – C’mon, I don’t want to sleep, I want to drink huge quantities of alcohol. Or then again, maybe I want to sleep.
  18. Britney Spears – Britney’s career is like a bad horror movie franchise: just when the heroine is driving into the sunset and you think you’re watching the final installment, Britney sits up in the back seat, says, “It’s Britney bitch” and you see blood splatter all over the windshield. Here we go again.
  19. People Working Out Late at Night – Newsflash: lifting weights at 9:30 at night right before you go out and drink 9 beers isn’t really doing your body much good, especially when you didn’t even eat breakfast that morning.
  20. Shia Lebeouf – Seriously, can someone just kick this guy’s ass already?
  21. Conflict in the Middle East – Missed a pretty big one here, Viagra.
  22. My Incredibly Small Penis – Before Viagra, no one knew how very small my penis was. Now I get emails about it every day. Okay, I get it, I have a tiny penis. You can leave me the hell alone now!


3 Every Day Habits That Can Be Worse Than Smoking

So you don't smoke. That's great! But if any of these three seemingly mundane activities are part of your daily routine, you may be putting yourself or others in danger just the same.

As human beings, we are all creatures of habit. Whether it be mundane life activities like bathing or brushing our teeth or relationship patterns like always falling for a guy who can quote Caddyshack, life is often a mobius strip of similar events and people. However, more often than not, some of these patterns can turn into habits that can prove to be detrimental to one’s life or health. Smoking is often cited as the number one habit people are trying to take control over. Yet, there are other human routines that are just as harmful.


Most people have done it at some point. Someone texts you a question while you’re on the road (possibly and probably a trivial query), and rather than pull over to call or text them back, you attempt the challenge of “Texting While Driving.” It’s almost like a Physical Challenge from Marc Summers on Double Dare. It’s even worse than being on the cell phone while driving because at least people’s eyes are still on the road with the phone (for the most part); with texting, the road has to compete with the flashy phone text screen.

Many states are taking legislative action when it comes to being caught texting while driving. Most recently, Pennsylvania Senator Tommy Tomlinson sponsored a bill where motorists could be fined up to $100 for being caught texting behind the wheel. Studies have shown that 20% of drivers text while driving. This number increases up to 66% for drivers between the ages of 18 and 24. The legislative action is a direct result of more and more accidents being caused by texting. Some day soon texting could be just as major an offense as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The touch screen of your iPhone can be just as inhibiting as a touch of Jack in your glass of Coke.

Oh Crap!

San Francisco politician Harvey Milk gained attention for working on a bill, that according to a poll, represented one of the number one problems in San Francisco: picking up dog feces. Aside from fighting for gay rights, the “pooper scooper law” become one of his most crowd-pleasing stances.

The “pooper scooper law” was popular because it was and is still an issue that’s a huge problem in cities and towns all over the country. First, there’s the aesthetic aspect. No one wants to be walking down the street and see fecal matter on the ground. Two, there’s the courtesy aspect. If a dog leaves a deposit in front of someone else’s house, it just isn’t very nice to leave it be for the neighbor to pick up. Three, dog doo actually pollutes the environment. Gnarly bacteria found in water and streams can actually be traced back to a dog conducting his business. So when you leave Fido’s business on the ground, it could end up biting you back eventually (eeww!). Studies have shown that nearly 40% of Americans don’t pick up after their dog. Thus, crap is abundantly amongst us.

It’s Not Just for Employees

As anyone who’s ever held a job that involves cleaning toilets will tell you, it’s astounding the amount of people who do not flush. More astounding, is the thought of people who don’t wash their hands after they use the restroom. In a 2005 New York Times article, Nicholas Bakalar found that most people say they wash their hands after using the restroom, even if some of them were lying. 91% of the people polled claimed that they washed up after using the restroom, yet only 82% of the people observed actually did so. All it takes is one round of “Happy Birthday” to scrub the germs off (10 to 15 seconds), and it can keep everyone healthier and happier. Parents have told their children for years that washing your hands is important. Yet with the alarming statistics, apparently the fear of disease and germs wasn’t enough to keep people hygienic into adulthood.

Here’s something that might help: In the studies, women wash their hands more than men. For many women, there’s nothing that’s more of a turn-off than a guy who doesn’t wash his hands (perhaps, a guy who doesn’t flush). If a woman is sitting near the men’s restroom at a restaurant and a date walks in and out quietly without so much as the sound of a splash of water, he’s not going to get a second date.

These habits might seem little and petty, but they actually pollute our lives on a bigger scale. Just like with smoking, people think that they are only harming themselves, when really secondhand smoke can be just as fatal. The good news is that these three habits can be easier to kick than smoking. All you need is restraint from answering that inbox message (you probably didn’t even want to talk to them anyway), a couple of plastic grocery bags, and some soap.

Sources for Further Reading:

http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/breaking/s_632970.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Milk


Original article and pictures take http://www.primermagazine.com/2009/field-manual/5-best-tips-skinny-guys-gain-muscle site

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